Dishonored Xaela turned shadow for hire

Ehri Kagon

"People act no different from animals when they see death approaching for the Dotharl."


On first glance, Ehri may seem cold and indifferent, sometimes rude. Since meeting her friend, Eva, she has made considerable effort to be more amicable, though it is still an ongoing struggle. She is blunt, observant, and calculating. If there is something she wants, she will find a way to get it, whether or not permission is granted. Her cold exterior is a defense mechanism, so if one proves their trustworthiness to her, she may open up and become an invaluable ally.

Backstory and Childhood

Ehri Kagon was born in the thick of night in the Azem desert. She had silver hair as brilliant as the moon above them. Seeing this as a sign of good fortune, she was seen as a symbol of Nhaama, and some saw her as a prophet. She grew up fairly normally as a young auri huntress in the nocturnal clan of Kagon, however there was no mistaking that she was treated slightly differently than her brethren. On her 18th nameday, to celebrate a complete childhood of life under the moon, she was sent out with a small pack on a ceremonial hunt. In the past few moons, prey had become increasingly scarce, and the culprit revealed itself to be a mysterious dragon, one unlike any they had ever seen or heard of. Ehri, her best friend, and her mother, as per tradition, went alone into the open sands to find the dragon and slay it while it slumbered. They finally tracked it down to its nest, and she was shocked to see a giant red scaled monstrosity that matched no description of dragons from any tales she had heard. Her best friend, an impulsive hunter, attempted to slay the beast by stabbing it through the belly with his spear, but its scales proved too thick. The beast awakened, it roared to life, before spewing forth a fountain of fire. Ehri retreated, but her friend and mother died to the flames, only to be impaled by razor sharp teeth.
It took hours for her to return home, but she could not make it before sunrise. The sun burnt and blistered her skin, but she returned to her tent and collapsed. When night returned she was forced awake by her people, demanding answers. Once she explained and they saw her burns and that the ends of her hair was blackened with soot they declared her corrupted by the sun and she was exiled from the tribe to wander alone in the desert for weeks.
After escaping the wilderness and happening upon civilization near Kugane, she was found by Eva, while she was rummaging through trash for food. This was the start of a meaningful friendship between the two.


With the help of the adventurer, Eva, Ehri was able to fully integrate into Eorzean society, using her talents as a huntress and her ability to work well into the night to become a proficient shadow for hire, specializing in all things subterfuge. She is proficient with an assortment of small blades, is able to perform a few select ninjutsu, and hide in plain sight by suppressing her aether. Though disgraced and banished by her old family, the Kagons, she holds on to the tradition of hiding from the sun, opting to wearing a hood whenever she must operate during the day.

Hi, hows it going it's me the person who made Eva, Ehri and Kristin. I don't really wanna share too much about myself but ay yo u got games on ur phone? Uhhhhh Here's what I'm looking for rp-wise:

  • Medium-high effort rp. Paragraph format preferred, shortform is totally fine for quick dialogue exchanges and whatnot! Try to keep it engaging!

  • Open to all forms of RP including Mature content and ERP

  • Romance is possible but I'll be trying to make it realistic and it will take a lot of time to develop. Eva is my main WOL/character so I'd prefer to keep her single, but flings and one-night stands and friends with benefits type relationships are open season.

  • Please try to separate IC from OOC interactions, if one of my characters is rude or mean to yours that does not mean I am being rude or mean to you. Please be reasonable.

  • In game rp is preferred, because I think my characters are pretty and I like looking at them, but I am open to discord rp!

Eva Grisak

A mistreated orphan who ran away to become an adventuer, Eva has become a regular friendly face recognized by most of the minor leadership of the Eorzean Alliance. She is always looking for new friends, places, and experiences. She is truly Lighter Than Air, in more ways than one.

Kristin Ymir

Kristin left her tribe, Ymir, to accompany her adventurous sister whom she cared about more than anything. She is highly critical of the ways of the Eorzeans, deeming them as inferior to the Viera tribes she came from, at least, until she met Eva. The green-haired Miqo'te helped Kristin loosen up and exposed her to the joys of exploration and adventure.